How AI Can Help Increase Productivity

Mureed was created with the intent of helping everyone – whether you are a freelancer who creates content for social media or the owner of a small business who wants to reach out to a larger audience. Some of the most common queries that come to us include how Mureed's AI increases productivity and how it can be used by everyone.

So, how does AI improve efficiency for a content creator

For a freelance content creator, AI, especially one like Mureed, can be a truly valuable tool because not only can it help out in the various aspects of their work, it can also help them in increasing their productivity, streamlining regular workflows, and delivering high-quality content on a regular basis.

  1. Ideas and research made easy

    As a content creator, you are constantly reading and finding new trends and topics on social media. But many times, collating all the data and information is what becomes a tough task. However, when you have AI by your side, it will take on several of your tasks. AI can analyze trends, social media data, and search engine results to suggest relevant topics and keywords for content creation. The right start is what gives you the right finish!

  2. Creation of content

    If you are a content writer, you will always be on the lookout for not only new ideas and blog titles but also the actual content, and AI can help you do both. Not only can you get help to generate ideas; you can also use it to improve the overall quality of your writing and ensure that what you are writing is grammatically and tonally correct.

  3. Stories that capture the attention

    As a story writer of any kind, it is but natural to come up with that dreaded writer’s block every now and then. But when you have tools like the creative story function in Mureed, you can see how artificial intelligence can increase productivity – feed it your ideas, and it will tell a word-perfect tale for you!

  4. Optimized content every time

    Once you are done creating your content, you will also need to make sure that it is more than just word-perfect. You need to ensure that everything is optimized, and that would include keywords, meta data, and other SEO and social media factors. With Mureed’s content improver feature, you can ensure that every piece you send out onto the world wide web is of the finest quality.

  5. Social media managed!

    As a content creator who is more visible on social media platforms, getting maximum views on your post or getting a post to viral status is important. Mureed can help with not only some truly interesting captions for your images, it can also generate tweets and small messages that can be posted on social media channels.

    So, you see, Mureed can allow freelance content creators to increase productivity and deliver high-quality content more efficiently.

Does AI increase productivity for small and medium businesses?

Now that we have seen how AI, in particular Mureed, can help content creators, let’s take a look at how it will work for those who own a small or medium-sized business.

  1. Give your business or product the perfect name

    Every business needs to start with the right name or if you have a range of products, you need to make sure that they have names that capture the attention of your target audience and Mureed can help you with that. You can generate names that match your brand ethos and rake in the attention that your business should get.

  2. Put together engaging questions

    Many times, it is feedback from your target audience that will allow you to improve your products and services, but asking the right questions is often where many business owners go wrong. If you are looking for AI tools to increase productivity and find the best and most engaging questions to ask your audience, then Mureed can be of help. You can ask as many or as few questions as you want with our feature.

  3. Introduce yourself properly

    As the owner of a business, how you present yourself is important – if you are meeting someone face to face, your personality or the way you carry yourself can play a huge role in making or breaking the deal. But what do you do, when the first meeting is happening via an email or a website? There, a well written, carefully worded personal bio will be what will help create that all-important impression for you.

  4. An email subject that will be read

    How many times do small and business owners send emails to potential vendors, customers and partners and how many times does the email be sent to trash, without even being opened? This happens mainly because the email subjects are typical and boring, but when you use intelligent and constantly evolving AI, you can be sure that your email subjects themselves will be winners!

  5. The perfect headline to capture attention

    And then there are times, when you need just that perfect headline, that single line that says it all. Mureed has a feature that allows you to do so for your business and brand – the template that is used to produce these headlines has been created using the input of thousands of the best copywriters, from across the world.

Mureed goes beyond the traditional AI productivity tools – it doesn’t just collate information from the internet and give it to you; it learns and adapts and customises solutions based on the information and data that you provide.