How do AI writing bots work?

Artificial Intelligence! There is a lot of conversation around it today, because it is taking over a lot of tasks that were generally done manually. And although the foundation of AI can be traced back several decades, it is only in the recent few years that we have been able to see the real growth of the same. Today, AI is showing its presence in literally every domain and how! Content writing happens to be one such area, where AI seems to have taken over and AI writing bots are making the task easier.

But exactly what is AI writing and how does it work?

In the simplest of terms, AI writing is writing that is done via artificial intelligence. Imagine this – you want to use AI for speech writing. You will type in the prompt that gives all the details – you would include what the topic is, on what occasion the speech is to be given, how long you need the speech to be and what kind of tone you wish to maintain. Using all these information, the bot or tool will generate the content for you within seconds.

What you have now is all the heavy lifting done and dusted – you are free to tweak the speech or make any changes that you want to in order to make it more to your liking.

In the beginning, AI writing tools were able to provide only short snippets; so, at the most a paragraph long or a few sentences. Over time, these tools have become a lot more sophisticated and today, they can generate the entire content, start from finish!

Whether you want a speech or a blog, whether you want an email or a business proposal, there is little that AI writing tools can’t do!

So, how do AI writing bots work?

AI bots for writing will use a set of data that has been provided to it and then generate text that is similar or on the same lines. There are generally 2 methods that are used:

  • Rule based – The user will predefine a set of rules and those rules will be used to generate the content.
  • Statistical method - There will be no rules in play here, but the AI will utilise statistical models to create the content.

Here is a simplified, step wise look at how AI writing works:

  • Data collection – Almost all AI programs work on something called NLP (Natural Language Processing) and these systems are trained with a huge amount of text-based data. This data could include anything from printed books to online blogs, articles and even social media posts. Utilising all these sources, the AI bot will accumulate the data.
  • Preprocessing – Before the content can be generated, all the data has to undergo something called preprocessing. So, in this, texts are broken down into individual words, all the unrequired characters, formatting etc are removed and spellings are standardised. This is an important step to ensure that the machine learning algorithms are able to comprehend and translate the data with ease.
  • Training - AI models, such as the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series run on something known as unsupervised learning, in which the model is able to learn how to predict the word that will come next in the sentence. This prediction happens based on the words that have come before and the error occurrence is highly reduced. This training happens over billions of texts!
  • Architecture – GPT uses a transformer architecture that is used for processing sequences of data, for instance sentences or sets of sentences. This is an important factor in enabling the prediction model.
  • Fine-Tuning and Inference – Once the training processes are complete, the model is able to fine tune the data as per specifics. Now, the model is able to analyse the inputs and generate the appropriate responses.

How does AI writing work in reality?

Here is a simple example on how content is created: When you give the input to the AI bot, the first step will be the idea generation – the prompts will be utilised to generate ideas, then the data sets will be analysed and using multiple pieces of writing, a concept will be set into place. Once the ideas are in place, an outline will be created and this will serve as a roadmap for the remaining writing process. Before the draft is presented to you, there are multiple revisions – AI will ensure that there are no errors, the content is clear, concise and well organised. Finally, you get the final copy of the content and what is truly amazing is that all this happens in a matter of seconds!

Are there benefits to using AI tools for email writing or content creation?

Of course, there are benefits to using AI for content generation – whether you want a short and concise email or you want report writing via AI, there are genuine advantages to be enjoyed:

  • For starters, there is an increase in efficiency – what would take a human hours to do, AI can do in a matter of minutes and that too error free.
  • A human writer will have to be paid based on word or hours, but AI can do it either free or if you are using a paid version, then at a fraction of the cost.
  • There is no denying that the level of accuracy that you can get with AI is much higher than humans.

At Mureed, you can experience one of the finest and perhaps one of the most sophisticated AI writing bots, which will take care of all your writing needs, simple and complex!