How to Save Time with AI Social Media Content Creation

Content creation is not as easy as it might sound – there is a lot of effort that goes into each post that goes online. Whether you are creating written content or videos, it can be quite time consuming and if you are willing to take a little time to see how AI works in social media, you will see how regular tasks can be made faster and more efficiently.

The ‘why’ behind social media content AI

Posting content on a regular basis has some massive benefits for you to reap:

  • For starters, you can grow your audience and eventually reach out to more and more people.
  • When the engagement improves, you will see a rise in organic traffic too.
  • If you are looking to build authority in your domain, then creation of relevant content and posting it regularly is essential.
  • As the owner of a brand, content creation is a great way to increase awareness.
  • If you know how to use AI properly, you could actually use AI at every step of the way.

Using AI in content creation planning processes

A major part of your success lies in the planning process and it would be wise to spend some time, each month, in advance outlining what you want to do. You need to lay out a map that should include:

  • How many number of posts do you want going online each day/week/month.
  • What will be the intent behind all these posts.
  • Are there any important dates coming in the month – a launch of a new product or an event that ties in with your brand.
  • Are there any holidays that will be celebrated that you can use to build your brand.

Imagine if AI could take over more than half of these tasks off of your hands, and allow you extra time to spend on being creative!

Why use AI for social media content creation

In case you are wondering why you should consider using AI in content creation, here are just some reasons:

  • Content generation becomes easier and faster – Whether you are looking to generate blog topics or need specific keywords, whether you want the catchiest of hashtags or headlines that will capture attention fast, AI tools can help you out. These tools will help analyse data that is collected from various sources and then suggest relevant solutions to you.
  • Write effective content – You might have a way with words, but you will need captions and tweets that are bang on, every time, and this is where AI might come in handy. Not only can it ensure accurate grammar, tone, and style, it can also ensure that your content is error-free and in line with specific language rules. So, when you use an AI assistant like Mureed, you can cross check the content that you have written and send out only the best version of the same.
  • Curate the best content – Posting content online goes beyond just you posting what you created; you can also collect posts by others and use them to pull in more audience. By using AI tools for social media content creation, you can actually set alerts that will locate, collect and curate content that matches your wavelength.
  • Make it viral – For your content to become viral – whether it’s a written piece or an image or video that you are posting, needs to have that something a little extra. It could be the perfect title for your blog, the most appropriate hashtag for your video or the most suitable tweet to send out. With the help of AI, all these tasks could become a lot easier – you give it the data you have and it will offer you the best solutions.
  • On time publishing becomes easier – If you know what tools to use, you can actually schedule the posting and automate the entire process. You can not only plan your posts in advance, you can also set specific times for publishing, and then track all the engagement metrics, all from one place! On Mureed, you can actually create bots that can handle a range of tasks for you and no, you will not have to write any codes or complicated algorithms to do the same.
  • Customise it to your needs – When you choose to use Mureed’s AI for social media content creation, you also get the benefit of personalisation. The platform has been designed to be your assistant, which means that it will continuously learn with every piece of information that you offer it. It can actually help customise your content to resonate with them more effectively, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Analyse and improve – Without a doubt, content needs to be monitored and unless you learn and grow, your content and brand could become stagnant soon. You can use AI-driven analytics tools to give you insights into the performance of your social media content – you could factor in reach, engagement, and conversion metrics.

Mureed has been designed to be your assistant – not only can you tell it what to do, you can actually train it to learn constantly, improve and give you more tailored and customised solutions. By helping you create unique photo captions, by generating tweets that can become viral and by helping improve and enhance the content you have written, Mureed can not only save time, but also up your social media content game!